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│                     ██▌  ▐█▌█▌██▐██▌███▐██▌███▐██▌███   ██▌  ▐█████▌    ███  │
│  Volume 3           ██▌  ▐█▌█▌██▐██████▐██▌███▐██▌███   ██▌    █▌█▌  █████   │
│  Call For Papers    ██▌  ▐█▌█▌██▐██▌   ▐██▌███▐██▌███   ██▌    █▌█▌     ███  │
│  ~ tmp.0ut Staff    ██▌  ▐█▌█▌██▐██▌   ▐██▌███▐██▌███   ██▌  ▐█████▌▐██▌███  │
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We are pleased to announce the official tmp.0ut Volume 3 Call For Papers! This
edition is set to be released on June 23rd 2023.

We are looking for original research in the following areas of interest:

  ~ Novel infection/persistence techniques
  ~ Anti-Debug/Anti-RE
  ~ Older techniques and their modern equivalents or mitigations
  ~ ELF internals and/or errata
  ~ Exotic ELF implementations and experiments
  ~ Malware RE with a focus on uncovering techniques and vulns exploited
  ~ Bugs related to ELFs (parsers, kernel, etc.)
  ~ Ideas and techniques for improving security related to ELF files
  ~ Explorations of newer Linux features that can improve or hinder security
  ~ Implementation of techniques from previous volumes (eg. SHELF Loading)
  ~ Exploit Write Ups and POCs
  ~ Anything else related to ELF, *nix security, or hacker culture that you
    think would fit the general vibe of the zine. See: Volume 1 and Volume 2

Guidelines for Submissions:

  ~ Email your paper to stdin@tmpout.sh.
  ~ Be sure to include [CFP 3] in your email subject.
  ~ Please submit text files only.
  ~ We will not accept any executable binaries for submissions.
  ~ Please submit your paper by no later than June 15th 2023.

If you have any questions regarding submissions, contact us through Twitter
(@tmpout), Discord, or via the email address mentioned above. All papers 
submitted will be reviewed by our team and you will be notified if your 
paper was accepted by June 20th.

Thank you to everyone who has read, shared, and contributed to our zine!