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Interview: elfmaster                                   │                   █   │
~ tmp.0ut Staff                                        └───────────────────█ ──┘

─── Who or what inspired you to start hacking? ─────────────────────────────\\──

A combination of inherent curiosity, certain movies, and especially the BBS
systems that I frequented with my 28.8kbps modem. Downloading early hacker
journals such as Phrack, LoD, and BoW. At that time the internet and the
world of computer networks had a mysterious subculture, the digital occult
so to speak. I was compelled by the forces of some inner tide.

─── When did you start programming, and what were your early ───────────────\\──
──── influences that made you turn you to the dark side? ───────────────────//──

I received my first computer as a Christmas present from my mom in 1995.
Around that time I saw the movies War Games and Hackers. I also began playing
Diablo in 1995 and became intrigued by the internals of game cheats...

As far back as I can remember I wanted to be an inventor. I was very
interested in science kits and had a strong internal drive to invent new
ideas and contraptions. I didn't immediately take to computers, I felt that
they were for the nerds at school. It wasn't until 1995 that I became
friends with another kid living nearby in California who I began learning
about computers from. He introduced me to IRC (Windows 95 mIRC), Cracked
software, Diablo, and more.

I had a Micron with a 200mhz x86 processor, 128mb RAM, and 12x cdrom. It was
a very powerful desktop at the time. I was on a fast-track to learning.

I quickly became acquainted with the wild terrain of the EFNET IRC servers
and the wildly hilarious, eccentric, and fascinating subculture of the
1990's hacking scene. It was a totally new world for me, filled with
mystery and adventure, and a lot of really smart people to learn from. It was
a bit intimidating at first and I was bullied for not running Linux when
joining #hackers. I quickly adapted, though, and within no time I was
running Slackware Linux with the BitchX IRC client. It was all about skills
and gaining them. There was almost no security industry to speak of.
Reputation was hard to earn, and you earned it through showing off your
skills by pulling off righteous hacks and publishing new techniques in the
elite journals of the time (with #phrack at the top). The overall vibe of
the hacking scene in the 90s had a dark allure to it; it was a dawning wild
west, and hackers had a certain type of power that was completely beyond the
grasp of average civilians and computer professionals. A power that was
somewhat akin to that of a Jedi or Sith, an esoteric binary force, digital
hermetics... I was drawn to this special intrigue and quickly got hooked.

Let me give a little perspective regarding the times: daemon9 was the chief
editor of Phrack at that time, where Silvio Cesare had recently published a
paper on PLT redirection and Fyodor had just released his first version of
NMAP to the world. Meanwhile, clever hackers from the more adolescent zine
"b4b0" (namely chak, jsbach, ohday, tip, jorge, etc.) were pumping out
hilarious satirical articles that covered everything from hacking dial-up PBX
systems to x86 shellcode and icmp backdoors.

As I continued to grow and mature in the scene I became very interested in
Silvio's work. His research into ELF was extremely new and he was clearly a
pioneer in almost every facet of computer security at the time - from
reverse engineering to exploitation. I began studying the 1999 UNIX Virus
manual, as well as many of his other works, in-depth in 2006-2007, and then
I wrote my first ELF Virus. Around this time there were many others who
played a role in my growth: Halfdead, Scrippie, the #digitalnerds on EFnet,
and Pipacs (Creator of PaX kernel patches). At that time, the work of
lcamtuf, who had written many exploits but also tools such as fenris and
p0f, was very influential for me as well. There were many brilliant little
projects on lcamtuf.coredump.cx.

The Grugq's early work on ELF binary protection, anti-forensics, and
userland-exec was like gold to me. I learned a great deal from this man.

The VXheaven site was monumental in my learning. I posted my first ELF
article there in 2009 (ELF runtime infection via GOT poisoning), which
illustrated an injection technique to bypass PaX/GrSEC W^X protection with
VDSO manipulation. But first, I read all of Silvio's awesome papers there.
VXheaven was like the forbidden underbelly of computer science on the
internet where the most fascinating code and research pertaining to computer
viruses, worms, virus detection, etc. could be found.

I want to mention a hacker known as AndrewG (from Feline Menace and Phrack)
as well. He was and is a highly skilled hacker and his work dates back to
the 90s. His skills and body of research were strong influences in my early
career. AndrewG wrote an early exegesis on anti-tamper technology for
UNIX/Linux called "Binary Protection Schemes" and is the author of "Shifting
the stack", an article published in Phrack. He was always super helpful back
in the IRC days and offered good wisdom.

Somewhere along the way I discovered the incredible research of Sergey
Bratus, namely his work on Katana (ELF binary patching system) with James
Oakley, LDSO weird machines with Rebecca Shapiro, etc. Sergey has helped to
heroically bridge the gap between the hacking subculture and the academic
security culture.

-= Computer Books
Ones I grew up reading in the 90s
   Richard Stevenson UNIX network programming
   UNIX svr4 programming
   Linux kernel internals 2.0
   Turbo C (From the library)

Ones from my early career
   Robert Love's Linux kernel development
   Understanding the Linux kernel
   Operating System internals
   Designing BSD rootkits
   Linux assembly language programming (Bob Neveln)

-= Philosophical and esoteric books

As a man thinketh (By James Allen)
Secret teachings of the ages (Manly P. Hall)
The Kyballion
Gnostic texts (i.e. NagHammadi)
   Pistis Sophia
   Secret book of John

-= Fiction

Dune                (Frank Herbert)
The Hobbit          (JRR. Tolkein)
The Monk            (Antonin Artaud's version)

-= Poetry

Charles Baudelaire: He truly is a master poet. I think that some of his
best poetry - his prose poetry - lives in the book "Paris Spleen". Poems
such as "The desire to paint" and "The double room" are truly visionary.

Arthur Rimbaud: At only 15 years old, this guy re-shaped modern French
poetry. He was a shamanic visionary of sorts and, at age 15, wrote: "To
become a visionary one must go through a long and boundless systematic
disordering of the senses".

As for American poets, I would have to say that Edgar Allan Poe is the most
masterful to me. Among many poems of his, "Ligea" particularly caught my
attention. Turns out Poe and Baudelaire were translating each other's work.

-= Websites:

(Bit twiddling hacks)

-= Music:

My favorite band of all time is The Doors. I love all kinds of music

Classic Rock
80s and 90s Alternative
Classical music: Rachmaninoff (prelude in C sharp minor), Chopin, Beethoven,
Bach, Mozart
Zelda music
Some Prog Rock, too.
"Mountains of the Moon" by the Grateful Dead
Celtic music
Hindu meditation music

-= Creative outlets

Outside of computers, I enjoy writing poetry, scripts, short films, music,
and on occasion some philosophy.

I love acting and performing, too.

I play music with "The Sacred Elves", a band I have with my wife, oldest
son, and brother-in-law.


─── What were some of your most rewarding experiences, ─────────────────────\\──
──── professionally or otherwise? ──────────────────────────────────────────//──

Publishing a paper in Phrack in 2010

Picking Silvio's brain on IRC every day between 2007 and 2009

Speaking at RuXcon 2010 on kprobe instrumentation and meeting Silvio in
person for the first time

Training the West Point Military Academy in ELF binary hacking.

Gaining root (on many systems)

Writing a fuzzer for the XEN hypervisor's x86 instruction set emulator and
finding bugs

Building Shiva to solve some of the most challenging and intricate problems
with binary patching in the modern world of computing

Meeting Sergey Bratus in person for the first time at Hushcon 2013 after
greatly admiring his research for a long time

Writing a book - "Learning Linux Binary Analysis"

Getting my first ELF computer virus to work in 2008 (text segment padding

It was an honor to work on the DARPA AMP program from 2022 to 2024. This
was a major highlight in my personal research and career.

─── You mentioned that you wrote and published the book, "Learning Linux ───\\──
──── Binary Analysis", in 2016. What are your thoughts on it now? ──────────//──

I am grateful that I ended up writing it. Packt reached out to me and wanted a
book on reverse engineering with GDB. I convinced them to let me write a book
on ELF binary hacking with topics such as anti-tamper, virus design, process
injection, security, forensics, etc.

As the author, I have multiple technical and editing issues with the book.
There is one in particular I'd like to correct.

   Page 10. It says: Relocatable object files are generally pieces of
   position-independent code.

Let me correct this misnomer. Relocatable object files are not
position-independent code, they are relocatable code, which means that it is
code that hasn't been linked yet and thus requires relocation metadata
(i.e. .rela.text) in order to be fixed up. PIC (Position independent code) is
referring to code that is compiled (or hand-written) to be able to execute
correctly from any address without any knowledge of that address space. PIC
code uses IP-relative addressing instead of encoding absolute addresses. The
call/pop technique to get_eip() is technically PIC code, it's a form of
IP-relative addressing. PIC code may also be achieved with a GOT, such as
with the PLT/GOT, for calling to functions in shared libraries. Again,
relocatable code is not necessarily position-independent, but it can be. For
example, imagine that two objects, "test1.o" and "test2.o", may have been
compiled with "-fPIC", but even though the code was compiled using IP-relative
offsets, the code objects still have to be linked and relocated into an
executable with the "ld" linker, which requires relocation metadata. The final
executable would be PIE and require no more code fixups. Both PIE and
non-PIE executables are compiled and linked with the help of relocations.

─── What are you currently researching or working on? ──────────────────────\\──

-= Shiva (Custom Dynamic Linker)
Over the last few years I built Shiva, a custom dynamic linker for advanced
ELF patching capabilities. It started out as a modular virus loader,
published in tmp.0ut #2 (Preloading the linker for fun and profit). It was
then iterated, over 2022 and 2023, to become a powerful technology in the
world of program transformation and binary patching in the DARPA AMP program.


-= Granular ASLR
In addition to binary patching capabilities, Shiva is capable of loading
custom runtime modules that enforce security features. Most recently I am
working on a Shiva module for granular ASLR that randomly re-orders the
location of the functions in the .text section at runtime. The .plt is also
re-ordered randomly at runtime to further mitigate ret2PLT attacks. ELF
executables must be built with "gcc -mcmodel=large -Wl,--emit-relocs" in
order for full gASLR features to work.

-= I am researcher on the DARPA EBOSS project
sustainmentroject for enhancing the ELF/Dwarf format and compiler/linker
tool-chain for automated debugging, triage, vulnerability detection, and
remediation. Some of my existing research projects, such as ECFS and Shiva,
are used in the project for enhanced core-dump analysis and binary patching

Other research:
https://www.bitlackeys.org  (Research between 2007 and 2016)
https://arcana-technologies.io  (Arcana threat detection)
https://arcana-research.io  (Shiva)
https://github.com/elfmaster  (my code)

─── What is your opinion on the current state of the scene? ────────────────\\──

There are multiple scenes to speak of. Regarding the binary hacking/reversing
scene, it is currently thriving. It has evolved and expanded to the point
where there is a larger base of people working on ELF hacking, virus,
instrumentation techniques and overall reverse engineering technologies. I am
truly grateful to see so many people working together. Zines such as POC||GTFO
and tmp.0ut have created a more amicable environment where people learn from
one another. Previous eras were more hostile.

The larger scene has transformed alongside the formation of the security
industry in the last 20 years. I feel that the security scene has almost
merged with the hacking scene as the old-school hackers grew up into being
security professionals. Meanwhile, there are still much darker factions of
the scene. Some of them are simply malicious and greedy hacking groups,
whereas others are astute and seem to have some deeper purpose (political,
philosophical, etc.)

I believe that the fundamental mindset of hacking has shifted, too, alongside
the rapid explosion of hand-held screen use and other forms of technology
that are ubiquitous wherever we go. In the 90s, computers had more of a
mystique because not everyone had one and hardly anyone knew a thing about
them. The psychology was different... more mystical.... but alas, everything
changes and marches onward.

─── Will further Linux/ELF mitigations make exploitation impossible? ───────\\──

No, I don't see that happening. I do see an opportunity, however, to try to
enhance this space by offering an interface for developers to write powerful
process-hardening modules with Shiva. As mentioned earlier, I have recently
implemented a prototype for gASLR in the form of a Shiva module. My hope is
to demonstrate in the near future how powerful security modules can be
designed rapidly with Shiva.

Shiva modules are similar to writing an LKM. However, instead of kernel
contexts, a Shiva module has a context related to the process image and
custom linking and process data structures that render it a pragmatic choice
for designing powerful security features. The gASLR Shiva module hardens
against ROP attacks by randomizing the location of every function in the
.text section at runtime. In future, it will support randomized PLT stubs and
randomized global data as well. This type of mitigation would be nearly
impossible to implement properly without the help of an intermediary linker
such as Shiva.

For reference:
2022 Toorcamp talk: Advancing the programmability and security of the Linux
userland runtime

─── Name your favorite Linux virus. ────────────────────────────────────────\\──

I'd probably have to say JPanic's x64 Retaliation virus. I did a write-up on
it years ago at JPanic's request. The virus infects ET_EXEC binaries and
amazingly even ET_REL objects. It uses some of the best anti-debugging
techniques, such as nanomites, and takes special care to infect binaries,
even those which have been prelinked. There is a strong polymorphic engine
as well as many forms of anti-analysis and anti-disinfection (e.g. encrypted
data segment).

https://tmpout.sh/1/14.html (qkumba's analysis)

─── What are your favorite Linux virus techniques? ─────────────────────────\\──

It's hard to pick specific techniques because many of them accomplish very
different goals.

-= Techniques for creating space in the binary

1. Text segment padding infection
2. Reverse text infection
3. PT_NOTE to PT_LOAD conversion
4. SCOP text padding
5. Data segment infections
6. Code-Caves

I feel that technique 1 and 2 are the sexiest techniques, they are the most
slick. Unfortunately, technique 1 is limited by space when it comes to large
parasites, and technique 2 only works on ET_EXEC binaries. Technique 2 is
particularly nice, though, because it keeps the parasitic code within the
.text section and thus makes it appear less anomalous.

I would have to say that technique 3 is the best overall for creating
reliable space within either ET_EXEC or ET_DYN binaries. There are no size
limitations with technique 3, and oftentimes there are two PT_NOTE segments
which can be modified into two new PT_LOAD segments.

-= Techniques for Linux ELF anti-debugging

- PTRACE based runtime engine for viruses

I like a virus runtime engine which uses ptrace(), i.e. the virus spawns a
child thread. The child thread is only allowed to trace its own parent if
the parent first disables ptrace scope on itself with
"prctl(PR_SET_PTRACER, getpid());". Encryption and decryption routines can
now be triggered with breakpoints (i.e. 0xcc) and nanomites can be set with
breakpoints and illegal opcodes. The runtime engine keeps track of SIGTRAP's
set on virus function entry points and exit points to handle
decrypt/re-encrypt routines. Also the immediate call instructions can be
replaced with breakpoints (nanomites). The runtime engine breakpoint handler
can make the control-flow-transfer on the program's behalf, thus obscuring
control flow. This is a technique that I implemented with Maya's Veil
binary protector, it makes the program much harder to debug on multiple
fronts. Anti-ptrace debugging, function level encryption that requires the
ptrace runtime engine to decrypt it, etc.

Make sure that the child thread has disabled coredumps and ptrace via
"prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 0)". This way, the debug thread itself is not
easily debuggable. The child thread can also periodically check
/proc/pid/status to make sure it has no tracerPid's.

-= Advanced techniques

- Relocation poisoning to obscure entry point

Relocation poisoning is a nice technique for virus infection and ELF hacking
in general. The R_X86_64_RELATIVE relocations will fix up the .init_array
(aka .ctors) section at runtime with the correct addresses. These relocation
records can be patched directly so that .init_array is fixed up with the
address to the parasite. This means that the ehdr->entry_point can go
untouched and we do not have to modify .init_array directly.

References for reloc poisoning:

- Custom dynamic linker for relocatable ELF virus

Writing a custom ELF dynamic linker for loading a modular relocatable virus
is probably my current favorite technique for virus infection. It is a
non-trivial technique that chains a corrupted dynamic linker into the
process by modifying the PT_INTERP. See the original paper at

- TLS resolver hooks

Explore the TLSDESC relocation types. They are a replacement for the
global/local dynamic TLS (thread-local-storage) model. This type of relocation
hooking allows a virus writer to install a custom TLS resolver function
that retrieves phony TLS data or even works as an entrypoint into parasitic

- Thread injected PIE execution (Anti-forensics)

This technique allows you to inject a PIE program into any process, and
with its own thread of execution so that it runs concurrently to the
host program.

1. Use PTRACE to invoke __libc_dlopen_mode() to load the PIE executable
2. Use PTRACE to inject create_thread shellcode
3. Use PTRACE to invoke create_thread() with your loaded executables entry point

Now your injected program will be running within an existing process and unseen
to "ps" or any other task list. It is a form of anti-forensics binary execution.

Example of what your create_thread() code should look like

#define __BREAKPOINT__ asm volatile("int3")
#define __RETURN_VALUE__ (x) asm volatile("mov %0, %%rax\n" :: "g"(x))

int create_thread(void (*fn)(void *), void *data, uint64_t stack)
        __asm__ __volatile__(
                "syscall        \n\t"
                "test %0,%0     \n\t"        
                "jne 1f         \n\t"        
                "call *%3       \n\t"       
                "mov %2,%0      \n\t"
                "xor %%r10, %%r10\n\t"
                "xor %%r8, %%r8\n\t"
                "xor %%r9, %%r9 \n\t"
                "int $0x80      \n\t"       
                :"=a" (retval)
                :"0" (__NR_clone),"i" (__NR_exit),
                 "g" (fn),
                 "S" (newstack));

        if (retval < 0) {
                retval = -1;

─── What is your favourite exploitation technique in Linux? ────────────────\\──

I've enjoyed many such techniques over the years, some of which have come
and gone. I am a fan of weird machines... so I enjoy most memory corruption
exploit techniques and can appreciate all of the primitives that make up
these weird machine exploits.

I liked the Linux kernel NULL ptr deref class prior to the days of mmap_min_addr
and SMEP/SMAP mitigations. Although for a while you could bypass mmap_min_addr 
with MAP_GROWSDOWN. ROP exploits are cool; the ret2PLT was real nice in the 
ET_EXEC binary days. ELF linking vulnerabilities such as with DT_ORIGIN in Linux 
(prior to fs.protected_hardlinks). ret2VDSO is a useful technique.

─── Are there any younger researchers that really impress you? ─────────────\\──
──── Whose work should we be following? ────────────────────────────────────//──

There are many wizards in the Linux binary hacking world right now,
especially in the younger generation. Just to name a few: ulexec, s01den,
netspooky, ic3qu33n, and malcomvx. All of them have notable research both
in and out of tmp.0ut.

─── What’s your favorite form of non-traditional hacking, something that ───\\──
──── doesn’t involve computer security? ────────────────────────────────────//──

Hacking the human mind by expanding consciousness, meditation, astral
projection etc. It all begins in the mind. "As a man thinketh so is he" is
a poetic affirmation reminding us that our thoughts unlock the reality
around us.

─── What are your thoughts on the military infosec industry? ───────────────\\──

I began doing military research programs in 2008. I remember my first day
on the job at Pikewerks. I couldn't even believe that I was being paid to
read Phrack magazine and work on computer hacking-related technologies... It
was what I did for fun in my spare time and to make a career out of it was
profoundly gratifying.

I think the military involvement with computer security R&D is good. It has
given me and many others great opportunities to do extremely fascinating
research and development for a living. Some of the coolest people I've met
over the years have been through various military programs. It seems that
these programs have also helped bridge the gap between academics and hackers.
The military has likely helped shape the entire evolution of computer science
anyways. After all, DARPA created the internet.

One night I was in the Jacuzzi with a good friend and we were sort of
discussing the double-edged sword of the military industrial complex...
He said "Don't you want to try to get Shiva in the hands of a company or
organization that isn't building advanced weapons?" I said: "Buddy, I didn't
design Shiva for hippies to patch their damn quilts. I built it for the
military to patch their binaries!"

─── What is the real "art" in hacking? ─────────────────────────────────────\\──

To me, computers present a set of laws similar to physics. It is with these
laws that hackers create worlds, alter worlds, and own worlds in a poetic
sense. We are the masters of 0s and 1s. The amount of innovation, energy,
intuition and manifold forms of thinking that go into computer hacking
constitute an art form. The best hackers out there are not just linear
thinkers, they are creative geniuses. Merging the left and right hemispheres
in the brain is a big part of hermetic philosophy, and as I said before...
hacking is a form of digital hermetics. A master computer hacker might be
compared to a master like Da Vinci, who excelled at the arts, engineering,
philosophy, math etc., merged all of these fields together in his creative
pursuits and, in the process, became a hacker in his own right.

─── Anything else? ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────\\──

I want to thank tmp.0ut staff for the interview. I am honored by this
opportunity. It is truly impressive to see this strong community of ELF
hackers formed into a prominent and illustrious hacking zine that is read by
both the security industry and the underground communities. This zine is rad,
great job everyone.

Greetings to everyone I mentioned in this article, and to many more. I am
humbled and inspired by the many hackers that I have and continue to learn
from. Thank you for all of the great thinkers and researchers out there who
have published the papers and written the code that fueled my interests in
security research.

Greetings to my wife, kids, and mother. I love you. Thank you for the
inspiration and support.

With gratitude, thank you.

elfmaster [at] arcana-research.io

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