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easylkb: Easy Linux Kernel Builder                     │                   █   │
~ ackmage & netspooky                                  └───────────────────█ ──┘

This short writeup is to introduce a convenience script for anyone who wants to 
build arbitrary Linux kernels and bootable Debian images for testing, debugging,
or whatev. It's called easylkb and we will be maintaining it here:


///: What are we trying to do?

Write a simple script to make Linux kernel debugging easier and more accessible.

When you're building the kernel, there are only a few steps you need to do:

- Download the kernel source
- Configure the kernel source with the options you want
- Compile the kernel

To run this kernel, you can build it into a Debian image that can be booted
with qemu. We are adapting syzkaller's create-image.sh for this.

Once you run the kernel, you can debug it using gdb!

///: How do you install easylkb?

Install prerequisites:

  sudo apt install make gcc flex bison libncurses-dev libelf-dev libssl-dev
  sudo apt install debootstrap

Then clone the repo and run easylkb.py with Python

///: How do you use easylkb?

Build a specific mainline kernel version, use the -k option:

  $ easylkb -k 6.2

Build some other kernel in a directory, use the -p option:

  $ easylkb -p path/to/linux/

Command line flags are tied to specific parts of the build process.

To (d)ownload, (c)onfigure, and co(m)pile a kernel

  $ easylkb -k 6.2 -dcm

To build a Debian (i)mage from this kernel

  $ easylkb -k 6.2 -i

To (r)un the generated image:

  $ easylkb -k 6.2 -r

Combine all of these steps into one:

  $ easylkb -k 6.2 -a

Once this finishes, it will run the built image with qemu, and expose ssh and 
GDB debugging features accessible via localhost.

///: How Does It Work?

Under the hood this is how the script works:

- Download Linux kernel tarball from the kernel source repository on kernel.org
- Apply KConfig options that make it bootable with QEMU and debuggable with GDB
- Compile the kernel using make
- Create a bootable Debian image using create-image.sh

With the -r option, the script runs the bootable image using QEMU, with ssh and
remote debugging with gdb enabled.

///: How Do I Interact With The Image?

The image, keys, and run script are stored in the img/ directory within the 
kernel source.

You can ssh into your image like so:

  $ ssh root@localhost -p 10021 -i ~/kernel/linux-6.2/img/bullseye.id_rsa

The default login for the resulting image is the user "root" with no password.

This is an example ssh config entry for the resulting image, which you can 
add to your ~/.ssh/config file.

Host linux62
  HostName localhost
  User root
  Port 10021
  IdentityFile ~/kernel/linux-6.2/img/bullseye.id_rsa
  StrictHostKeyChecking no

Now you can ssh into your kernel by doing:

  $ ssh linux62

You can scp files by doing

  $ scp myfile.bin linux62:

You can use gdb to debug like this:

  $ gdb ./vmlinux some other args

///: Kernel Debugging

/!\ NOTE: If you are using kernel 5.18 or higher, you may need to add 
          `CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_DWARF4=y` to the end of your kconfig! A 
          recent change affects what options enable kernel debugging.

To debug the kernel, you need $KERNEL_DIR/scripts/gdb/vmlinux-gdb.py

Add this to your ~/.gdbinit file if you want to debug this kernel, changing
the path to the kernel source you're working with.

add-auto-load-safe-path /home/user/kernel/linux-6.2/scripts/gdb/vmlinux-gdb.py

Now to debug just do

  $ cd /path/to/your/kernel/
  $ gdb ./vmlinux

Once you're in gdb just do this:

  (gdb) lx-symbols
  (gdb) target remote :1234

Wow! You're debugging the kernel you just built, pretty neat.

Try setting a breakpoint on load_elf_binary and then running "whoami" in the
running Linux image.

  (gdb) break load_elf_binary
  (gdb) continue

When the breakpoint is hit, inspect the bprm structure that represents the
binary program.

  (gdb) p *bprm

Then you can use the "step" command to step through the kernel's ELF loader!

For more info on kernel debugging with gdb:
- https://docs.kernel.org/dev-tools/gdb-kernel-debugging.html
- https://github.com/torvalds/linux

We recommend gef as a gdb helper!
- https://hugsy.github.io/gef/install/

This is a good reference for kernel source
- https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/latest/source