                             SPTH INTERVIEW


1 Questions

1.1 Q: Thank you for agreeing to be interviewed by us! Tell us a little
about yourself and your interests.

1.1.1 A: I am an old-school virus writer publishing stuff under the name Second
Part To Hell (). In my early days (2002-2006), I
was a member of rRlf (we had several real-life meetings which was fun), and
published a few things also in other zines such as 29a. After a break,
from 2010-2014/2015 I worked closely with hh86 to get the Valhalla zines
running. I was active during that time mainly because of hh86’s constant
motivation and excitement. Then I  went silent in 2014 but published another
code that some liked a few months ago in 2023. I am mainly interested in fancy
proof-of-principle virus-related technologies, such as:

  • New file-or programming language infections.

  For example, I hosted the Language Infection Project (LIP) from
  2013-2016, intending to write a virus for all of the top 100
  programming languages. This was really exciting, it motivated the
  community, and many people contributed new viruses to languages
  nobody would have thought to infect otherwise for decades.
  Contributors among others were hh86 (Scilab, Falcon, and others),
  Genetix (Ocaml and Erlang were some weird functional programming
  languages), herm1t (mySQL), TMZ contributed some codes infecting Vala,
  Google’s Go and Nim binaries; and roy g biv, who invented an idea that
  made it very simple to infect more and more languages with the same
  strategy, based on Quines (see Valhalla #4).

  In my early days, I wrote the first boot sector virus for CD ROMs (rRlf#6),
  the first Ruby viruses (29a#7) and the first infectors for Microsoft
  Infopath and F# (both in rRlf7).

  Probably my personal favourite was my code which was able to infect
  DNA files via code (see Valhalla #4). It was spreading in the digital
  world and was searching for .fasta files, which is a format in which
  genetic information is stored. The idea is: if my codes get into a lab
  with access to in-cell DNA generation, such as those of Craig Venter
  and others, then my code can wander from the digital to the biological
  world. New Code-Mutation techniques.

  • I tried to invent new types of code mutations. Potentially my 3
    favourites were:

  a) Artificial Evolution in the W32 binary system, by employing ideas
  from the field of Artificial Life (pioneered by Thomas S. Ray, and
  employed in awesome ways by Christof Adami and Richard Lenski), such
  that the file stays relatively robust under random mutations of the
  binary code. This opens the possibility of collecting many mutations over
  time, and potentially getting micro and later macro mutation
  modifications. Peter Ferrie wrote 3 texts in Virus Bulletin about it
  (called Flibi). Those texts and codes were published in hh86’s virus
  writing bulletin (which I call Valhalla #0) and Valhalla #1.

  b) First metamorphic script virus, in JavaScript. The idea was
  developed after many discussions with herm1t, that metalanguages are
  crucial. JS.Transcriptase carried its own metalanguage and compiler
  from metalanguage to JavaScript. The compilation was highly
  probabilistic. It was a pain to debug because some bugs could
  propagate to the 4th or 5th generation without being noticed. This was
  probably my technologically most advanced code. that was published in
  Valhalla #3.

  c) Metamorphism via GPT. GPT can translate language to code, so I can
  describe in a natural language a code, and get back a Python code. Now
  I can make it such that the virus does not contain any viral Python
  code, but just English text that is sent to GPT, translated there to
  Python, and in the end I run the compiled code from GPT. The cool
  thing is: GPT can make modifications to both the Python code, as well
  as the prompts themselves. That’s beyond metamorphism and introduces the
  new concept of language-morphism or linguisto-morphism (unfortunately,
  no one took up this concept and was happy with the GPT code mutation),
  but I think the language-mutation ability is much more crucial in the
  long term. let’s see. These ideas are published in the current tmp.0ut
  zine – thanks for giving them a nice place.

1.2 Q: What do you currently do for work and hobbies? Still coding or working
with physics (I understand that this was your major)?

1.2.1 A: I am a researcher mainly working with AI to understand the world. I
love to read about all sorts of natural sciences and math and intelligence
(human, artificial, swarm, emergent, …); also I am a big fan of space.

1.3 Q: LIP was one of the first times I released full
viruses. I guess I just want to say thank you for that, I’ve learned a lot
since then. What do you think about doing another version of it (or something
similar) and what do you think about BGGP ?

1.3.1 A: Oh, I didn’t know it was your first published file infector. Great to
hear - 7 years later :). LIP was cool, it brought many people to play with new
languages. The design was good, and a top-100 list allowed for a big variation,
you just chose one, learned a few days something new, and got your place at the
“Great Wall of LIP participations”. Total unexpected was roy g biv’s
hyper-efficient way to kick out quine-based infectors. In Valhalla #4, he
published one text which infected 32 different languages! BGGP (with the goal
of finding methods to crash pre-defined programs) sounds like a very interesting
variation. The tasks sound more challenging than those for LIP and thus may
not be directly applicable for newbies, also apparently it only ran for two
months. I need to go through the results - it’s outside of my expertise, and
I wouldn’t know how to start.

1.4 Q: Feels like just yesterday but LIP, discussing ideas on VXHeavens was
almost 10 years ago. Do you miss the scene?

1.4.1 A: I enjoyed the time a lot, knowing that computers can be used in
highly unusual ways is an extremely valuable piece of information that I
collected over these years, and from which I benefit these days a lot. Meeting
(IRL or virtual) with many fun and creative people was certainly exciting. I
have great memories and do not miss it now. I stayed quiet for nearly 10 years
as I had no good ideas for projects that needed to be done. Until February
2023 when I got access to the OpenAI’s GPT APIs. There it was clear what had
to be done.

So while I do not miss the scene, I am extremely happy and grateful
that a younger generation built the new library vx-underground and
keep creating vx-zines such as tmp.0ut.

1.5 Q: What made you decide to retire from the scene back then? How did it
felt making this decision?

1.5.1 A: I was mainly active because the collaboration with hh86 was highly
productive and motivating. We used Google chat while coding; spending hours
of decreasing the BugCount and thinking about the next awesome ideas and how
to make the next very best Valhalla issue. We wanted to push each issue to
new extremes. For me valhalla#3, JS.Transcriptase was the most technologically
demanding code - it took ages to debug. I was only able to top that with a
wild idea - infection of DNA in Valhalla #4 (Mycoplasma mycoides SPTH-syn1.0).
After that, we talked several times about v5, but honestly, I didn't have
any idea how to top Transcripase and my DNA-infector SPTH-syn1.0 in
human-possible reasonable time.

Also, real life kicked in, and there I started to see how I could apply my
abilities creatively IRL. I think similar things happened to hh86. I
always told myself that I would write another code when I had another
good idea. it took 10 years, but I think my GPT code indicates what
might be possible.

1.6 Q: How do you see AI affecting computer viruses and general malware and
exploits in the future from the offensive and defensive perspective?

1.6.1 A: I have been wondering for ages how AI can be applied, I had several
chats with herm1t about it - but never got any really good idea (besides my text
in Valhalla #2 on “Dynamic Anti-Emulation using Blackbox Analysis”, where a
virus learns to memorize new anti-debugging tricks. but it was incredible

Now time has changed. Large language models like GPT seem to make an
enormous step towards some more general intelligent system. It allows
for the interaction between natural and computer language. At the
moment, these systems are still a bit unstable, so one needs to break
down code into micro-instructions. But imagine a few years from now
when they create rock-solid codes for macro-instructions. Of course,
OpenAI could restrict access to malicious systems - but training these
systems will become significantly cheaper, and their memory
requirement will be reduced.

At some point, a virus can carry its own trained LLM, trained without
restrictions. It may be the last VX technique that will ever be

I wonder whether this application destroys society before LLMs that
solve the new-age Turing test invented by DeepMind’s Mustafa Suleyman
(a code that makes 1mio$ from 100k$). Or maybe some innovative defense
company stores GPT5 in their war robots. Anyway - let’s watch the race
about what goes wrong first 🙂

1.7 Q: One of your most interesting articles has to be “Infecting Biological
DNA With Digital Computer Code”. I remember you had some worries about the
misuse of such techniques. What are your current thoughts about this, also
considering AI as a factor here?

1.7.1 A: Thank you! I would love to see one of my codes being written in DNA
and copied into an E. coli genome one day. I mean - imagine that! … But I think
it is not as dangerous as other techniques at the moment. I trust that
laboratories with the ability to write and encode DNA fragments into cell
genomes are highly secure. And the progress of research in that field seems
to be significantly slower than for AI, so it's much better to predict what
might happen and people have more time to prepare. I worry a bit about projects
for the gain-of-function of biological viruses (which is related, as you write
the DNA code in a computer) - I am not motivated to get infected by a super-HIV
or Ebola bug.

Oh - btw there is one thing that is missing. So far we have: 
• bio -> bio infection: Since 4 billion years ago due to Evolution
• digital -> digital infection: in the 1980s by Rich Skrenta (Elk Cloner), Amjad
                                and Basit Farooq Alvi (Brain), and many other
• digital -> bio infection: 2013 by me (Mycoplasma mycoides SPTH-syn1.0)
• bio -> digital infection: noone yet (you?)

Let me know if you find out how to do it. I will invite you for

1.8 Q: What do you think about modern malware and in which ways do you think
malware has changed since the last decade?

1.8.1 A: I didn't follow the developments too much; what I see on Twitter and
tmp.0ut are very cool technological ideas. However, I was never good at
super-fancy technology (in contrast to ppl like hh86, roy g biv, or herm1t),
thus I fear I cannot appreciate them without further context. I usually
enjoy simple ideas so it seems I am a bit rusty in giving a well-informed
answer here. That said: If you have developed some fancy unexpected
code-mutation technique, or infected some cool new target, please write me an
email with the text/code and a one-sentence dummy explanation 🙂

1.9 Q: You mentioned once that hh86 and roy g biv were collective pseudonyms.
Would you be comfortable on shedding some light on this?

1.9.1 A: Oh, yes I wrote that - I think it's not true. hh86 suggested to make
this joke, and I believe for roy g biv, this rumor was around for some time
(probably because of his enormous productivity over decades).

All I know, hh86 and roy g biv were two enormously gifted vxers, two
of the best and most productive in the vx history. I mostly had
contact with them via mail and Google chat, so who knows? Well - for
hh86, I also sent two letters IRL. One with Carl Sagan’s book Contact,
and the other with a printed version of Peter Ferrie’s pre-publication
draft of the first Flibi article.

1.10 Q: What are some of your favorite viruses and/or authors and people from
the scene?

1.10.1 A: Woa so many!

  • MTE by Dark Avenger.
  Must be on every list number one. No one must forget our prophet!

  • Regswap, MetaPHOR, ZMist by the Popes of Metamorphism in the late
    90s/early 2000s: Vecna, The Mental Driller, Z0MBiE. (in 29a#4,
    29a#6, 29a#6, respectively)

  • Benny’s Linux-Windows cross-infector Winux
  Masterpiece in 29a #6, infects PE/ELF files. Benny was super skilled
  and creative to go new paths.

  • Apparation by LordAsd (in 29a#3)
  Carries its own C++ source code and relied on a C++ compiler to create
  new metamorphic versions of itself.

  • New Virus Virus Generation Kit by SnakeByte
  A beautiful powerful tool that produced highly sophisticated assembler
  codes of custom-made win32 viruses. Highly variable code generator,
  which made detection enormously difficult. Was one of the first
  advanced VX tools I saw, the main motivation for my first tool, BWG
  (Batch Worm Generator).

  • Caribe by Vallez/29A
  First infector for mobile phones via BlueTooth. (in 29a #8)

  • jackie’s tutorials on very fancy script techniques, e.g. javascript
    and macro viruses.
  Big inspiration when I started, especially as he lived in Austria too.

  • Win32 assembly tutorials by vorgon/iKx
  Must be around 2004, I learned assembler with them, and vorgon was one
  of the nicest vxers I ever met. he spent hours and hours in IRC (or
  MSN Messenger?) with me, explaining me everything. A complete hero!

  • roy g biv’s work; so many!
  rgb pioneered for 20 years or more, James Cook of VXing. Win64
  conquered. A quine technique that can easily infect 32 different
  programming languages. High-Tech Windows tricks (heaven’s gate in
  Valhalla #1) which I wish I would understand but can confirm that they
  are awesome by hh86’s judgement :).

  • philet0ast3r & DiA
  Philet0ast3r was founder and leader of rRlf, DiA was one of the most
  active members and zine-editor. I joined rRlf very early (similar time
  as DiA), I was a newby but because of the motivation was motivated to
  learn quickly. Without these two guys, I would likely not have
  continued to push. Also met DiA and philet0ast3r at least 3 times IRL,
  maybe more often - memories are blurred because of strong alcohol (I
  used to bring one or more bottles of 80% KORN).

  • DiA’s Tamiami Worm (in rRlf#7)
  DiA was a hell of a vxer who created one of my all time favorite
  codes: it had its own HTTP server, and creates a fake website using
  images from the computer. To download the full pictures of the images,
  you can download a .zip file, which contained the virus. I executed it
  on my own computer - it worked amazingly!

  • herm1t’s ideas and VX Heavens
  VX Heavens was our library in the old times, kept alive by herm1t.
  Herm1t is also an amazing coder, highly skilled and interested in
  using meta-languages for EPO and mutation tricks (see herm1t's metamorphic
  Linux virus Linux.Lacrimae in EOF #2 and his article “Recompiling the
  Metamorphism” in Valhalla #2). Many exciting discussions about all sort
  of VX tech, such as AI for viruses before AlexNet :).

  • Eric Filiol’s amazing theory articles
  The text “From the design of a generic metamorphic engine to a
  black-box classification of antivirus detection techniques” introduces
  the idea of tau-obfuscation which is an incredible anti-debugging
  trick which I wouldn't know how to overcome. (I used this idea in
  Matlab.MicrophoneFever2 in Valhalla #1). His idea of “Metamorphism,
  Formal grammars and Undecidable Code Mutation” was extremely
  inspiring, because of this article, I took a full course on
  theoretical computer science - just to understand wtf Eric is talking
  about. Was worth it, I use these ideas in some of my work these days

  • Qozah - “Polymorphism and Grammars”, 29A#4
  First usage of formal grammar to analyse code mutation. A breakthrough

  • Mark Stamp’s statistical AV techniques and countermeasures.
  Mark Stamp’s analysed JS.Transcriptase (my complex metamorphic virus)
  and round-house kicked it using statistical methods (“Hunting for
  metamorphic JavaScript malware” by M Musale, TH Austin, M Stamp).
  Another student then took up the project and implemented defence
  methods into JS.Transcriptase (“Advanced transcriptase for JavaScript
  malware”, Fabio Di Troia; Corrado Aaron Visaggio; Thomas H. Austin;
  Mark Stamp).

  • JPanic - CAPZLOQ 2.0 in valhalla#4
  CAPZLOQ infects Win32 PE, Linux i386 ELF, i386 Macho (OS X
  Executable/Linkable) and FAT (OS X Universal Binary) files. The virus
  runs under x86-32bit (i386) Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. (!!). JPanic
  planned to extend it to Linux64 (see his tutorial in Valhalla #4), but
  did not have enough time to finish it…

  smelly - the organizer of vx underground, our new Library of
  Alexandria! Thanks so much, and congratulations on this amazingly
  well-organized project!

  TMZ - organizing tmp.0ut, a high-tech vx/hacking ezine that is still
  going strong. Congratulations and thanks for the interview!

  Peter Ferrie – Wonderful analyses of our works; very clever
  extensions of some of the ideas at a conceptual level (smallest
  alphabet for mutationally robust codes, see Flibi2 in VirusBulletin).

  Mikko Hypponen – One nice virus researcher. One of the few
  who took my DNA infector at least remotely seriously. Same with my GPT
  mutation engine. Thanks. Oh, if you haven’t seen it, check out the
  video where he goes to Pakistan and meets the inventors of Brain
  (first PC virus). Thats amazing.

  hh86 – Last but not least. One of the most skilled, productive, and
  motivating vxers. hh86 is responsible that I didn't back to sleep
  after publishing my Artificial Evolution article in 2010. Rather, she
  made me (and others such as roy g biv, JPanic, and herm1t) contribute
  heavily to 5 magazine issues of her Valhalla e-zine (valhalla#0-#4). I
  published most of my best codes there - that means they only exist
  because of hh86. She wrote amazing codes of very high skill level,
  examples are codes that use CUDA and GPUs for virus cryptography and
  infection, Java Bytecode viruses, Win32-Win64 cross infector
  (W48.Sofia!) and many many more.

  Best greetz to many others that were nice and skilled such as perforin
  (who hosted my website for a long time), kefi, BlueOwl (both rRlf),
  malfunction, Belial, genetix, promix, wargame, slagehammer, dahmer,
  r3s1stanc3, Luca, alcopaul, cyneox, …

1.12 Q: This space is reserved for you SPTH, feel free to say anything you wish.

1.12.1 A: Thanks for the fun interview, which let me refresh my memories
about these old days. Good memories.