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                                                            │ █   █ █ █ █   █       │
                                                            │ █   █ █ █ █▀▀▀▀       │
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                                                            │                   █   │
The Polymorphic False-Disassembly Technique                 │                   █   │
~ S01den                                                    └───────────────────█ ──┘

Written with love by S01den, from the tmp.out crew !
mail: S01den@protonmail.com

--- Introduction ---

When I was writting Lin32.Bakunin[0], I was wondering how to make it more interesting
than just a virus in mips assembly which prints a dumb shit. I just wanted to piss 
off reverse engineers. So, I remembered the false-disassembly technique which I 
implemented in some of my crackmes.

Because polymorphism is cool, I wanted to figure out if it was possible to create
something interesting by mixing it with false-disassembly one way or another.

The answer is yes, and I called (I don't know if it's a novel technique or not) this
trick "Polymorphic false-disassembly" or simply "Fake polymorphism".

--- How does false-disassembly work ? ---

This technique is really straightforward to both understand and implement.
I discovered it in the famous paper of Silvio Cesare[1] about Linux anti-debugging 
and reversing techniques.
You just have to put some bytes which normally start an instruction before your
assembly code, like that:

-------------------- cut-here --------------------
hey:                      hey:
   xor %rbx, %rbx             .ascii "\x48\x31"
   jmp yo            ====>     xor %rbx, %rbx
                               jmp yo

Now, if we look at the disassembled code of those two codes we would have something
like this (radare2 ftw):

-------------------- cut-here --------------------
;-- hey:
0x00401002      4831db         xor rbx, rbx
0x00401005      eb02           jmp 0x401009

;-- hey:
0x00401002      48314831       xor qword [rax + 0x31], rcx
0x00401006      dbeb           fucomi st(3)
0x00401008      026631         add ah, byte [rsi + 0x31]


Why does the disassembler behave this way ?

Well, \x48\x31 normally starts a xor instruction[2], the bytes following are usually
defining the registers we operate on.

So thoses "initialisation" bytes stick to the bytes which follow, which are also
"initialisation" bytes themselves, and the disassembler will interpret them to 
"registers" bytes and display garbage instead of the wanted instructions!

Therefore, to be able to execute such code, you have to jump over the bytes you've 
just put.
You should get something like this:

-------------------- cut-here --------------------
jmp hey+2

   .ascii "\x48\x31"
   xor %rbx, %rbx
   jmp yo

--- The full c0de ---

Now, imagine that you could randomly change the bytes that make the false-disassembly
at every execution or infection, the disassembled code would change too and the
reverse engineer would think that the code is polymorphic while only few bytes are
really changing...

And now, without further delay, the full code.

----------- cut-here -----------
# build cmd: as Linux.FakePolymorphism.asm -o fakePoly.o ; ld fakePoly.o -o fakePoly

# this code is a fake polymorphic example, feel free to try/use/whatever it!
# It grabs itself its code, modify the fake-disassembly bytes and put the result
# on the stack.

  .global _start

jmp true_start+2 # jump over the fake-disassembly bytes

.ascii "\x48\x31"  # fake-disassembly bytes
xor %rbx, %rbx
jmp get_code+2 # jump over the fake-disassembly bytes

  .ascii "\x66\x31"  # fake-disassembly bytes
  call get_rip
  sub $0x10 ,%rax # 0x10 is the number of bytes between _start abd this instruction
  movb (%rax,%rbx), %al
  movb %al, (%rsp,%rbx)
  inc %rbx
  cmp $0x54, %rbx  # 0x54 is the total size of this code
  jne get_code+2

  # Pseudo RNG thanks to the time stamp counter
  xor $0xdead, %rax
  mov %ax, 2(%rsp)
  xor $0xbeef, %rdx
  mov %ax, 9(%rsp)

  mov $60, %rax
  mov $0, %rdi
  syscall # sys_exit

  mov (%rsp), %rax

-- Conclusion --

I hope you enjoyed this paper and that you'll try to implement this technique in your
crackmes or viruses!

With sblip, we wrote a polymorphic virus (Lin64.Eng3ls, check the paper & the code !)
which uses this technique to obfuscate its decryptor.

The decryptor's code:
------- CUT-HERE -------
  pop rcx
  jmp jmp_over+2
    db `\x48\x31` ; false disassembly
    mov al,0x00
    xor rdx, rdx

    jmp jmp_over2+2

      db `\xb8\xd9` ; false disassembly
      mov dl, byte [r12+rdi]
      cmp rdi, STUB_SIZE-1
      jna no_decrypt

      jmp jmp_over3+2
        db `\x48\x81` ; false disassembly
        xor dl, al

    mov byte [rbx+rdi], dl
    inc rdi
  loop decoder

Here are some disassembled[3] decryptors from infected binaries, let's see the trick
in action:

  0x0c003f46      59             pop rcx                 
  0x0c003f47      eb02           jmp 0xc003f4b           
  0x0c003f49      00d6           add dh, dl              
  0x0c003f4b      b06d           mov al, 0x6d            
  0x0c003f4d      4831d2         xor rdx, rdx            
  0x0c003f50      eb02           jmp 0xc003f54           
  0x0c003f52      1aca           sbb cl, dl              
  0x0c003f54      418a143c       mov dl, byte [r12 + rdi]
  0x0c003f58      4881ff870000.  cmp rdi, 0x87           
  0x0c003f5f      7606           jbe 0xc003f67           
  0x0c003f61      eb02           jmp 0xc003f65           
  0x0c003f63      c0d630         rcl dh, 0x30            
  0x0c003f66      c28814         ret 0x1488              
  0x0c003f69      3b48ff         cmp ecx, dword [rax - 1]
  0x0c003f6c      c7             invalid                 
  0x0c003f6d      e2e1           loop 0xc003f50          

  0x0c003fe6      59             pop rcx
  0x0c003fe7      eb02           jmp 0xc003feb
  0x0c003fe9      ce             invalid
  0x0c003fea      0ab0a34831d2   or dh, byte [rax - 0x2dceb75d]
  0x0c003ff0      eb02           jmp 0xc003ff4
  0x0c003ff2      39cb           cmp ebx, ecx
  0x0c003ff4      418a143c       mov dl, byte [r12 + rdi]
  0x0c003ff8      4881ff870000.  cmp rdi, 0x87
  0x0c003fff      7606           jbe 0xc004007
  0x0c004003      0e             invalid
  0x0c004004      0a30           or dh, byte [rax]
  0x0c004006      c28814         ret 0x1488
  0x0c004009      3b48ff         cmp ecx, dword [rax - 1]
  0x0c00400c      c7             invalid
  0x0c00400d      e2e1           loop 0xc003ff0

The result is really different from the original code.

--- Notes and References ---
[0] https://vx-underground.org/papers/VXUG
[1] http://www.ouah.org/linux-anti-debugging.txt // the silvio's paper
[2] https://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/xor
[3] With radare2